In case of histograms, TH1::Paint invokes directly THistPainter::Paint. When the canvas has to be redrawn, the Paint function of each objects in the pad is called. Each histogram has a pointer to its own painter (to be usable in a multithreaded program). Histograms are drawn via the THistPainter class. Plot specific interactions (dynamic slicing etc.).General information: plot types and supported options.Drawing a sub-range of a 2-D histogram the option.Option 'Z' : Adding the color palette on the right side of the pad.Base line for bar-charts and lego plots.Cylindrical, Polar, Spherical and PseudoRapidity/Phi options.The AITOFF, MERCATOR, SINUSOIDAL and PARABOLIC options.The SCATter plot option (default for 2D histograms).Superimposing two histograms with different scales in the same pad.
Implements all histograms' drawing's options.